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Global Energy Mentors

Improving the Odds for Energy Startups

Global Energy Mentors (GEM) Mentoring Process

Our process starts with the review of an applicant to make certain it fits within the GEM energy matrix of mentor capabilities.

Applicants who meet this criterion will be invited to make a presentation to the Screening Committee which will assess the level of the applicant in the areas listed below.

  • Technical

  • Commercial - What is the value proposition?

  • Strategic

  • Managerial

  • Financial

  • Motivational - Is the applicant coachable?

Shortly after the presentation, the applicant will receive detailed written feedback on their presentation, whether they are accepted or not for GEM mentoring.  

If accepted the start-up will be assigned at least two mentors who will be with the start-up throughout the GEM process which concludes when the start-up has a credible pitch deck for angel or seed round funding.

The mentor team (mentors and subject matter experts) works with the client to prepare a Lean Canvas for the start-up’s business with a focus on the value proposition for the customer and the value proposition for the client (i.e., how are they going to make money). The mentor team and client mutually develop goals and a timetable to guide the client to completion of the process.

The  mentor team works with the start-up to execute the established mentoring plan. The mentors are the start-up team’s liaison with GEM’s Leadership Team. This group assembles at the completion of each stage to provide input on the start-up’s new information as well as continuing feedback on the value proposition, business plan and presentation.

Mentoring activity covers the business planning and development activities listed below:

  • Develop competitor analysis and industry assumptions

  • Clarify, quantify and validate the value proposition and understand its competitive advantage

  • Develop and field test the technology, software, or methodology

  • Plan for protection of intellectual property

  • Identify and segment target market(s)

  • Develop marketing plan & go-to-market strategies including customer presentation

  • Validate pricing assumptions and the Revenue Model

  • Validate start-up and operating cost assumptions

  • Develop financial model

  • Determine financial, management, legal and governance structures

  • Finalize the pitch deck for angel or seed round funding

Throughout this process, GEM shares with clients information about how the Houston Entrepreneurial Ecosystem works and various opportunities available for clients to pitch their company before audiences of potential investors.

The final step is to present the pitch deck to an expanded audience of mentors and subject matter experts. Final feedback will be given. Once the final revision of the pitch deck is finished, you have completed the GEM Mentoring Process.

You have now achieved the End Goal of the GEM Program, to prepare you for investor presentations.